Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hannahs Bar

My Bar is based on the alternative theme with the post modern rocker feel, Black and white floral prints with a hint of colour, Feature wall made up of old-school band posters, Funky red and yellow lights, dark floor with shinny stars, disco ball on entry, and a music box that consists of all the latest and greatest hits.
My Bar has a simple layout, with a large red roller door welcoming customers in for fun night out, layer one consists of the bar and high tables scattered around the place for the customers to stand and mingle while being able to dance and have a good time. Layer two consists of high tables and stool's for the customers to sit back and enjoy the atmosphere,
My staff will serve in black jeans and either red, yellow, black or white shirts!
My Bar is aged for anyone who is of the alternative lifestyle, who enjoys abit of hardcore, rockabilly, indie or any music with an individual style.

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